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The Fields White as Snow

The Fields White as Snow

The Fields White as Snow – The fields white as snow. Every moment of everyday. In the minute and in eternity. Their cries call out unto me. In the beginning I did not know what it was. It was quieter than the quiet. It struck a chord it caused a riot.

In the midst of my loneliness, they called out unto me. I did not know them it was filled with so much that it caused my confusion. No one told me no one dared to explain it. Not sure that those in my midst could.

I prayed for it to cease, to be released from all the chatter. I had enough to contend with without all their matters. As the sounds grew later, I tried to lay my body flatter and flatter, trying to deny the truth of the whole situation.

A nobody insignificance in the middle of nowhere. I had seen their glory, the cost and the value of their structures. I covered my ears, I closed my eyes, I balled up with my elbows upon my thighs. Why, why. must I hear this, see this, why must I think this?

What a wretch, what an utter fool, what a tool in the hands of the adversary. Why can’t I fake it, why can’t I shake it, why can’t I kick against the pricks?

Why can’t I smile and clap and celebrate their folly! Why can’t I accept these sayings and the endless want in their prayers they keep praying! Why can’t I agree with what they continue to be saying! Why can’t I agree with what they say of me? Why do they say Yes! Yes! And say they are #blessed!

But all I hear and see is a mess, a vein attempt at best! Why can’t I accept them like they’ve accepted me! Why can’t I just be O Be Joyful All You People. Why can’t I hide in the midst of their assembly and just get a taste of this peace they speak about incessantly!

I want it I want it how low must I bow. How long must I bury my face beneath even the grave! Help me O God, I want so much to love those whom you love, wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove!

The Love My Father from above, it’s my greatest…..


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