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The Ancient, the Antiquity There it Stands

The Ancient, the Antiquity There it Stands

By Shannan Humphrey

The ancient, the antiquity there it stands. It’s color, it’s patterned the piece that was crafted and fashioned. Its base its width the girth and strength which it provides. The light beyond it shimmering in the dimly lit room. An antiquity from the days of old standing there in its place.

Who would know, who would understand the weight of its capacity. Arranged like many hands reaching to the sky offering up the first fruits of increase and setting them afire. Is this what they say is fruition? Your zeal for your children has burnt me up?

Earthen tithe of earthen manna!! Away from me you earthen wretched fools, have you not known the Heavenly riches? The Heavenly increase the fruition that comes from the windows of Heaven what are your Earthen Riches unto Me? Declares the Lord!

What about Justice Equity and Thanksgiving a Hope for My Children’s Future? A life and more abundant life not plagued by the devourer that I rebuke for them for a time, like you rebuke lack from your children by your work! Am I a cruel Father shall not First fruits come from the very seed I have sown within all those you call Mine! Mine indeed! I bought them!

Trading! Sacrifice a sinless body which none ever could accomplish before Me! Is that what I do you wicked minded misunderstanding servant! I Buy My Children!!!!? I BIRTH MY CHILDREN!!!!

Have you o’ prideful powerful man not known My Ways! Is it you that raises up or you that tears down! I ELECT WHOM I ELECT! YOU GET NOT A VOTE!

Away with you, you who have kept the traditions of earthen fathers! Who are earthen fathers to the Heavenly?! A vain attempt, vanity all about, your carnal leprous contingency!

You espouse Me to those of the Earth! I Created it I’m not of it! If I’m not of it how are My Children of it?! Sinners? Unworthy! Have I not covered your mouths with masks?! You yourselves are masked like blind men walking about calling unto your companions in the marketplace!

You think you will not reap what you have sown? You think I the Lord of All shall delay your judgement. It shall come to you quickly! Calamity that your church hath never known!

You give to those not born of Me and take from my Children even what they have! You weaken and put heavy burdens upon even those of My Own Blood! Have I not heard their cries! Their voices have reached the height of my hostility!

I shall rain fire upon you! Unquenchable fire, you have not seen its destruction! No, no, no, lil’ one does not think I came to strike the earth! The earthen does what the earthen does! As for Me and My House, is it not My House?! Declares! Asks the Lord? Woe to you, take head, by your words, by your thoughts I will judge you! You desire the nations and tend not to those of your very own house! Destruction has come upon it, and you tend to those of earthen government?

Is their government greater than mine! Is their justice greater than My Justice! I shall cause an ash heap of you and your comrades all who have turned my house into a house of slavery! You promise with your proud looks and haughty tongues Liberty but hand them over to the cruelest of slave owners!!

You most certainly get them birthed but My Children’s blood the lashings of their backs their cries have cried out to Me the Lord of Sabaoth, and I have responded!

My sickle is in my hand, and I shall remove the heads of grain from the chaff! I shall remove all those from their place, the righteous men who are of not an understanding mind.

They are righteous in your eyes but an offense to me! I shall strike them, I will give them words, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom they have not known, and it shall grind them to powder form the sake of My Children! I shall cause their skin to become leprous.

Their greatest enemy shall look them in their face every morning! I shall deliver them all unto unrighteousness. They shall cry out and I will not hear them! I will hand them over to the destroyer. Their treasuries shall become an offense to their very own children.

Their children shall know those goods were at the price of My Children’s blood and they shall know their very own mothers and fathers slayed their very own sisters and brothers!

It will not just be brother against brother a man and his wife shall be judged by his and her very own children! There shall not be any who have not bowed their knees to me in utter humility! The darkness shall be greatly darkened, and the Light shall shine forth for all to see both in My Bride and in the earth!

The earth shall be healed, and the adversary, all those who hinder My Children from coming to ME! Bow down you carnally minded men for the Lords Sickle hath come and will gather all those born of Me into My Safe Keeping!

He shall burn up all the chaff with fire that proceeds out of his mouth. His face is stayed and his heart bleeds molten lava. Thus, says the Lord My Winnowing Fan is in My Hand, and I shall surely purge My Floor with Fire!

I shall fan his flame and He shall burn up the chaff with eternal unquenchable fire! Behold he shall take your breath away!

Let your mouths be ceased let your eyes be fixed and your mouths covered for the Lord of Glory hath come in the measure of the sandal strap! With eyes of fire higher and higher the deliverance of All Gods Children that is his utter Desire?

It’s He that I Adora I AM the MENORAH!!! Aaaaasawwww an anointing of the Ancient of Days!

Here the Mighty Roar of the Mighty Ones coursing through our veins!!! A modern expression of an Ancient Lesson!


The Ancient, the Antiquity There it Stands


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Regards, Shan

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Shannan Humphrey