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Welcome to Knew-U-Ministries About Shan

Welcome to Knew-U-Ministries

Why Should We Give? 

Spiritually minded…

Listen brethren I know there may be many of you that think that you are unable to know, to understand, or even become as wise, or any other place of esteem.  Comparing yourself to many of those you have heard or listened to or seen on tv or YouTube etc.  Don’t do yourself that injustice.

Let me say this I hope you hear me.  I never knew this was available to me.  Just like you when it was considered in my mind, I thought there was no way!  I could never be like him.

Let me explain.

At the time I had a spiritual mentor whom I’ve met several times, but I never had the opportunity to be very close with him.  However, his words were powerful to me.  It was difficult to explain in the beginning but just like many of you, he helped me make sense of what I was experiencing.  The scripture that seemed to be an enigma, started to make sense.  I couldn’t decipher it myself, but he could for me.

I like many of you was bored out of my mind when I tried to read it.  I remember saying countless times I’m going to do it.  I’m going to read the Bible cover to cover!  I’d get pumped up as focused as I could be and!   Zzzzzzzz!  I’d fall asleep!  Maybe you know what I’m talking about.  I had no discipline, no desire to read the Bible, it didn’t make sense to me, how could I get excited about reading it.  Frustrated is what it made me.

But maybe I was like you now are.  I didn’t have the construct for the understanding.  I could memorize scripture a little.  Many knew the Bible far better than me.  I thought I knew what the Bible said to find out later that wasn’t what it meant.  I was up a creek without a paddle.  Add on a little guilt and a little shame and a whole lot of “why can’t I’s” and you like me will feel like there is no use!

But consider me now.

I’m here to help you make sense of it.  You were Born Again, you are able.  You may be a babe in Christ.  It is hard for a babe to understand anything.  Listen I hated hearing that too!  A baby, who you talking too? I’m a man!  Baby!  Well as much as my flesh hated to hear that, the more when I began to accept it the more, I would begin to know and begin to understand.  I too needed help!  Don’t think I didn’t resist the help I most certainly did.  It’s all part of the recipe!

Despite him not looking like me.  Talking like me.  Thinking like me.  Behaving like me.  Despite his words many times cutting deep.  I hated him at times, I loved him at times!  It was emotional roller coaster!  But it was good for me even though at the time, didn’t like it!  This gentleman, who many times was not gentle with his words.  He had my “word”.  It was confusing at times, it was strange, it was distinct.  It seemed like when he spoke things became clearer.

There was light to my path.  There was hope in the seemingly hopeless situation I was in.  But what was so crazy to me was when I let someone else hear his messages they were like “aaaah ways the big deal?!”  “Ya it was alright.”  I would be utterly baffled before I knew what utterly meant!  Lol. Alright?! Alright?!  What in the world?  Did you not hear what he said?!

Here, Listen to it again!  “No thanks I’m good”.  It was crazy, how could he speak the same words to them that he spoke to me and impact me sometimes to my core and the very same message to someone else, Nothing!  What?! It through me into a loop, not once y’all countless times.  Until finally I heard the scripture.  Will you leave me also?  Where would we go you have the words of eternal Life! Then I began to understand.  Doesn’t matter who the Kingdom has given your word to, if I was going to get it for a time it was going to be through him.

I submitted to it.  It served me very well that submission to the Kingdoms authority!  Tapes CDs videos YouTube online, conferences, books, However, I could get it, I was going to get it.  I wanted all that my Heavenly inheritance had to offer, and I was willing to exchange as much of earthen possessions to possess that which was laid up for me!  That’s why I make it so easy for you all to access me and my word.  I know how difficult it is to try to go it your own.

I refuse to leave you without access to your word if I possess it.  It’s for you and your growth!  I dare not withhold it from you!  Don’t withhold your earthen from me, I will not withhold my Heavenly from you.  See the Kingdom of exchange.  But let me say this and don’t ever forget it.  If I have added nothing to you, then don’t you give me a dime. I am not a thief.  You keep your money.

But if I have added unto you things you knew not, understood not, then please don’t deny me a few of your goods.  I give you things that are the most treasured things I possess.  If God asked me, you could have your stuff or your Heavenly riches, He can have the stuff.  My eternal riches, the thoughts meditations and conclusions that agree with Him are far more valuable than any stuff this world could give me.

So likewise, you don’t sacrifice the greater due to the lesser.  The Kingdom is certainly not mocked, you shall reap what you sow.  If you hear me, then sow what gives you peace and not a penny more.  I’m not doing this for your stuff, I’m doing this for you, because you matter to both me and even the more to our eternal Father.

What is a drink of water given to a brother compared to give you the greatest riches I possess, my measure of Grace!  Revelation.  Light has dawned and will increase the more!  Let my light, your greater light shine before men!

With Many Blessing for You,



3 thoughts on “Welcome to Knew-U-Ministries About Shan

  1. MelissaM46
    I honestly love the way you have your webpage set up. What I am wondering is why you chose such a small picture of Jesus when on the bottom of the page you have much bigger pictures of him down on the lower half of your site. When bringing people to Jesus I would think the top of the page to have Jesus right there in your face so to speak. As you know these days it’s hard enough to get people to talk about Jesus to come to Jesus and so on my personal point of you while I love the entire set up I would make the photo bigger of Jesus only because I’m not just me people that I’ve talked to in the past about certain things have told me Jesus is big he’s right there you know he’s there for you all the time he is in your face and that’s what we want to see not too terribly big of course maybe just a little bit bigger than what you have I’d say at least medium to semi large but overall the aspect of the way you have your webpage is set up really nice and I love the way it looks you have a great information about the Bible and Jesus and God and that’s the way it should be you have a wonderful day and thank you for allowing me the opportunity to view your webpage.

    1. Helo Melissa and thank you so much for your comments. I cannot begin to tell you how happy they have made me. I and Jesus have a very close relationship he saved my life several times in the past when I was dying. No one thought I would pull through but here I am 40 years later, and He is still pulling me through the hardships. I honestly wished I could figure out how to make the photo larger I have repeatedly tried because I feel the Shepherd should get the biggest spread on the website but so far, I have not figured it out. Feel free to see all the posts and sermons posted daily. My Son is Shan who has a ministry like no one else I ever heard. Thank you again, best wishes.

    2. You’re absolutely welcome if you are using the three pics that they allow us to use then I figured out the hard way the other day because I was getting mad at my website set up with the pictures if you press on the bottom right corner with a little tiny square when you post a photo when it says edit in the middle you can drag your finger and make it bigger I hope that helped you a little bit but it is wonderful that Jesus is that much of a big turn around in your life and that 40 years later that you still have him right there by your side, that was going through quite a bit back in 2016 and if it wasn’t for him I would be dead by itself I’m not religious per se but I am very spiritual and he’s the one I look to for a free thing so thank you for allowing me to partake in your webpage each and every day

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