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O’ How He Loves Us! O’ Beautiful!

O’ How He Loves Us! O’ Beautiful!

By Shannan Humphrey

O’ how He loves us! O Beautiful! – Thank You my God. Let me spirit never cease to give you continual unending thanks! Let my spiritual mind not be filled with evidence of its faithfulness to You.

May it be filled with all manner of spirit forests that exude forth they give You praise. They raise their voices their hands their branches their buds their fruits and offer them forever to You, Your Name High and lifted.

Let their eyes be fixed upon You. The winds the waves the storms the tidal waves and the floods May the further secure me. May my roots continue to run deep to tap the depths of Your hidden rivers!

They seek you out in the depths of the darkness they seek out Your keys within the dark, they seek You out! They insatiably seek You out like an oasis in the midst of a desert, they discern Your drink, they all thirst they all give account unto me!


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